Sunday, October 16, 2011


Hello Ladies,

Our women's small group has been doing Beth Moore's Esther Bible study.
It has been a great study thus far. We have learned "It's tough being a woman in another woman's shadow", "It's tough being a woman when beauty is a treatment" and "It's tough being a woman in a mean world".

Week four we are learning, "It's tough being a woman thrown a giant-size weight". One of the Personal discussion questions is... Has God ever allowed threat of trouble in your life to drive you to your knees? If so, what did you learn through the experience?
In my personal experience there have been many circumstances that have brought me to my knees. Divorce, health issues and loss of loved ones are just naming a few. I am always reminded that God is right there by my side. Psalm 121:7 says The Lord will keep you from all harm- he will watch over your life. What a comforting verse. I wonder why I don't spend more time on my knees praising God for always watching over me.
I heard a story of a lady who always kicked her shoes off under her bed. That way every morning she was forced to get on her knees to pray.
I know what some of you maybe thinking, if I get on my knees I may never get up. haha You could find yourself in a very long prayer for certain, if only for strength to get back up.
Well sisters, I hope this week finds us on our knees. Share some of your moments that brought you to your knees.
Your sister in Christ,